Berlin is no longer well-known only for its amazing cultural landscape and clubbing locations. Today, the German capital is one of the top three European tech start-up cities. This is a major attraction for investors, big pharma companies, and high-class researchers from all over the world who come to settle in the HealthCapital region Berlin-Brandenburg. During BIO-Europe in November, it offers the opportunity to dive into a fast-growing life sciences ecosystem.
Lipid analysis for early stages of drug discovery for Flagship VentureLabs with the aim to better understand molecular compositions of chondrisomes.
One researcher, one sorter, one cell, many discoveries. BD is dedicated to developing easy-to-use cell sorting technologies that simplify accurate and reliable flow cytometry.
Help Medicortex to develop a diagnostic kit for brain injury detection.
Compassionate use is a treatment option that allows the use of an unauthorised medicine.
Pharmatio GmbH, already established in the monitoring and site liaison of clinical trials, has restructured its services. With Clinical Trial Liaison, the sponsors of clinical trials can ensure the patient recruitment and effectiveness of their clinical trials. The Clinical Trial Task Force masters difficult or unforeseen challenges in clinical trials, and High Quality Monitoring ensures that Pharmatio ensures all-time inspection readiness of clinical trial sites.
Stop wasting time with data room software that doesn’t really improve your workflow.
Humanized NSG and NSG-SGM3 mice as a new preclinical bridge for immune-oncology therapies.
How Content Access and Manual Process Hinder Mining Efforts