Entries by Thomas Gabrielczyk

Pioneers of Omics Virtual Event Series

New, ongoing, free event series about researchers work in the exciting fields of multi-omics. Each session will take a particular field of omics research and showcase some of the exciting research being undertaken from around the world.

Analytical demand of CRISPR gene therapies

Gene Editing?CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing offers substantial improvements over previous gene editing technologies in terms of ease of use, speed, efficacy, and cost. Not surprisingly, CRISPR-Cas9 editing has taken biomedical science by storm. While the technology is relatively simple in handling at the level of basic research, the use of CRISPR genome editing in therapeutical applications poses a bunch of
analytical challenges.

Medical cold chain for gene and cell therapies

The medical cold chain is the network of refrigerators, freezers, and transport solutions tasked to always keep samples and specimens at their intended temperatures. When it comes to cell and gene research and therapy, temperature requirements can be demanding, requiring the deployment of specialised refrigeration products. With its refrigeration solutions, B Medical Systems can help in always keeping your specimens safe.