Entries by Thomas Gabrielczyk

The price of convenient food

A UK Biobank analysis of data from 200,000 people over more than ten years,
carried out by British researchers, have linked consumption of ultra-processed foods to an
increased risk of developing and dying from cancer. However, according to the authors from
Imperial College London it doesn’t provide a causal relationship.

BioBLU® Single-Use Bioreactors – Single-Use Simplicity

Single-use bioreactor technology offers a set of benefits compared to common glass or stainless-steel vessels, including reduced downtime between runs, minimal cleaning effort, or decreased cross-contamination risk. Advantages like these have generated an ever-growing demand for this technology over the years. In that regard, BioBLU® Single-Use Bioreactors combine the benefits of single-use bioreactor technology with the reliable performance of conventional glass or stainless-steel bioreactors.

Conflict of interest?

In 2016, PharmaMar filed a European marketing authorisation application for Aplidin as a treatment for patients with multiple myeloma. After the European Medicines Agency rejected the MAA twice, which was accepted in Australia with the same data, PharmaMar sued the EC. European Biotechnology spoke with PharmaMar’s Chairman José María Fernández Sousa-Faro.