Tag Archive for: biomanufacturing

3P Biopharmaceuticals (3P), a leading contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) specializing in process development and cGMP manufacturing for biological drugs advances its international expansion with the opening of its first commercial office in the United States located in Boston, Massachusetts.

Richter-Helm BioLogics has reached a further and important construction milestone during the expansion of its production site in Bovenau. We officially and ceremoniously inaugurated the new office building on May 31, 2023 together with the mayor of Bovenau, Mr. Ambrock, two years after the groundbreaking ceremony.

The switch from lab-scale to industrial-scale AAV production requires deep ­hands-on expertise in various technological solutions, their limitations, and their ­suitability for GMP large-scale manufacturing. Direct application of lab-scale process leads to expensive ­AAV-based products and unnecessarily laborious industrial processes. The complexity and growing demands for controllable critical quality attributes (CQAs), create a challenging blend.

Biomanufacturing?Implementing high-quality process development that considers GMP manufacturing from the start is critical to reducing costs and timeline disruptions associated with raw material supply chain insecurity, adhering to regulatory compliance, and avoiding process re-design at a later stage.

Sweden’s Belach Bioteknik has been partnering mostly with researchers and pharma customers to design suited bioreactor systems for biomanufacturing. Most recently, the company has entered the growing cultured meat sector, in which many companies are currently scaling up their production and thus need expertise to get optimal results.

In a world where biotechnology has been enabling products and processes for decades, it’s time to step out from behind the technology and claim the resulting products and their value in our everyday life. It needs higher visibility and recognition of impact, moving beyond its ‘enabling’ brand which forever makes it sound like the benefits are just around the corner, rather than the existing significant economic and industrial impact.