IZB start-up: Eisbach Bio GmbH
Eisbach Bio GmbH is a spin-off of the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. The company is located in the Innovation and Start-up Centre IZB in Planegg-Martinsried.
What is your motivation?
We are a bold, curious and international team whose pledge is to transform the lives of patients and be stewards of our community.
Eisbach aims to produce groundbreaking therapeutic small molecules for the treatment of non-curable cancer utilising the principle of synthetic lethality. We are committed to make tumour-suppressor mutant cancer treatable and will deliver on the promise of our cutting-edge science to pioneer new drugs with the motivation to improve the lives of many patients for whom there is currently no cure.
About the company
Some of the most devastating tumours develop because they have lost tumour suppressor genes. These tumours are incredibly difficult to treat and in many cases, there are simply no cures. Thanks to major progress in the sequencing of human cancers, Eisbach Bio has identified molecular Achilles heels i.e. the essential engines that drive these tumour genome rearrangements. Importantly, using key epigenetic technologies the company can target these tumours head-on. Based on unique screening and cellular platforms, Eisbach Bio is developing first-in-class drugs that correct these disruptive changes within the tumor. We can do so in an extremely specific manner that spares non-cancer cells. Eisbach will beat cancer at its own game. In February 2020, Eisbach joined the worldwide efforts to combat the Corona pandemic and is on track to develop the first effective, targeted, enduring and sustainable antiviral COVID-19 therapy. The project received funding of €1.2m then followed by €8m from the BMBF as part of their calls to tackle the pandemic.
Eisbach Bio GmbH
Am Klopferspitz 19
82152 Planegg-Martinsried