The Oligo PRO 96XT System

The Oligo PRO 96XT system provides fast, automated and economical size-based purity analysis of single stranded DNA and RNA oligonucleotides, and double stranded RNA interference (RNAi) products.


This dedicated analyzer is capable of analyzing 96 different samples simultaneously by parallel capillary gel electrophoresis with on-line, fixed wavelength UV absorbance detection. Preloaded and optimized separation and capillary conditioning methods simplify and streamline operation. The system can perform unattended analysis of up to 288 samples at once. Application-specific data analysis software provides automated or manual peak integration. The Oligo PRO is a proven technology used every day worldwide in production and research labs.

Key Features of the Oligo PRO System Include:

  • Low cost per sample.Unsurpassed throughput for oligo purity analysis!
  • Size-based, single nucleotide resolution from 10-mer to 80-mer lengths.
  • Easy to use and maintain with a low cost of ownership.
  • Minimal sample preparation and consumption.
  • DNA oligonucleotide and RNA oligonucleotide analysis.
  • New, native gel analysis for measuring purity and annealing efficiency of dsRNAi products.
  • A full line of available reagents for "turn-key" operation.

For further information please click here.


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