A rapid antigen test provides a fast and reliable indication of the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the causative agent of Covid-19. A positive result of an antigen test is reliable, whereas a negative result does not completely rule out infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The success of rapid tests is therefore limited by the sensitivity of the antibodies used.
Leading the way with the industry’s largest portfolio of CE-IVD labeled flow cytometry reagents in the market, Beckman Coulter Life Sciences announces that it has received a EU Quality Management System Certificate under the new In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Regulation (IVDR) for more than 200 flow cytometry reagents developed and manufactured at their Marseille, France facility.
Given Omicron Varinat’s potential higher rate of transmissibility, Fapon Biotech has successfully introduced SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant Neutralizing Antibody Titer Testing Solution (ELISA) to effectively evaluate the immune evasiveness and vaccine effectiveness on Omicron varian.
ANTIGENS Seasonal flu is a common infectious disease of the respiratory tract caused by influenza virus. There are four types of influenza virus, influenza type A, B, C, and D. The A and B types are of most interest to the medical community because they are the culprits for seasonal epidemics. Occasionally, influenza A, like the A/California/04/09 (H1N1) and A/Hong Kong/1/1968 (H3N2), can even cause global pandemics.
The HyPeak Chromatography System provides a complete, single-use solution for chromatographic purificationa principal unit operation in downstream bioprocessing of recombinant proteins such as monocolonal antibodies and viral vector production. Pre-engineered system options and modular-flow kit designs allow for selection of tools and technology suitable for a broad range of applications. The HyPeak Chromatography System can be used for multiple chromatography steps and, combined with the automation package, provides the platform necessary for consistent, high-performing purification
Graphene is an allotrope of carbon and the basic structural element of other allotropes such as graphite and carbon nanotubes. It’s one of the lightest materials known and the strongest compound discovered. With its exceptional mechanical stiffness, strength, elasticity, high surface area and outstanding electrical and thermal conductivity, Graphene is ideal for use in electronics, sensors, biomedical technologies, protective coatings, energy and composite applications.
CAD is a universal detector able to detect all non-volatile, and many semi-volatile analytes. This uniform response enables accurate quantitation of most excipients in a vaccine formulation.
The new box is now called Box 2.0. The new design is a consistent, modern further development of the original product outfit.
Efficient and reliable scale-up is one of the major hurdles in modern biotechnology. Engineering parameters such as impeller tip speed, oxygen transfer rate, impeller power number (Np) and the impeller power consumption per volume (P/V) are just a few of the parameters that need to be considered to ensure a successful tech transfer from bench to pilot and production scale. The BioFlo® 720 bioreactor control system was designed to save time and to mitigate risks.