The Europan Medicines Agency’s (EMA) Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) has recommended four biologics, among them three biosimilars, one monoclonal antibody as well as two targeted therapies for EU market authorisation.
Neurology specialist Celgene has nailed down access to Evotec’s induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) platform for screening of compounds against neurodegenerative diseases.
Among other appointments, BASF has named Melanie Maas-Brunner as new President Nutrition and Health, effective April 1, 2017. Previously, Maas-Brunner held the position of Senior Vice President Performance Materials Europe. 15:13:582016-12-15 15:13:58BASF: Crew change in health and nutrition
Drug discovery company Confo Therapeutics has appointed John Edward Berriman as non-executive director and chairman of the board of directors. Berriman is set to take his seat on the board December 21.
Spanish world market leader for nucleic acid-based virus screening in blood banks, Grifols, has confirmed the purchase price for US-based Hologic’s NAT donor screening unit. 07:50:002016-12-15 07:50:00F2G: Medical reference
At the beginning of October, Isabel De Paoli assumed the position of Chief Strategy Officer at German healthcare company Merck GmbH. She will head the Group Strategy and Transformation Function, which has just been created. Gabrielczyk/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/EBM_quer_Logo_2022_400px_wihte.pngThomas Gabrielczyk2016-12-14 09:36:332016-12-14 09:36:33Oncology: Orion teams up with Wi2
Dutch-German molecular diagostics specialist Curetis has bagged debt finanancing from the European Investment Bank (EIB) to expand its automated multiplex PCR platform Univero. The company will receive €10m immediately. Further €15m are milestone-dependent.
In order to prepare for the start of Phase III trials with its lead drug candidate Nefecon, Pharmalink AB has made several new appointments. Among them Kari Sandvold, who will take over as Vice President Pharmaceutical Development and Manufacturing.
EMA recommends market approval of four biologics
Latest NewsThe Europan Medicines Agency’s (EMA) Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) has recommended four biologics, among them three biosimilars, one monoclonal antibody as well as two targeted therapies for EU market authorisation.
Evotec bags US$45m upfront in Celgene deal
Latest NewsNeurology specialist Celgene has nailed down access to Evotec’s induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) platform for screening of compounds against neurodegenerative diseases.
BASF: Crew change in health and nutrition
AppointmentsAmong other appointments, BASF has named Melanie Maas-Brunner as new President Nutrition and Health, effective April 1, 2017. Previously, Maas-Brunner held the position of Senior Vice President Performance Materials Europe.
Confo Therapeutics: High calibre chair
AppointmentsDrug discovery company Confo Therapeutics has appointed John Edward Berriman as non-executive director and chairman of the board of directors. Berriman is set to take his seat on the board December 21.
Grifols confirms €1.75bn acquisition in transplantation safety
Latest NewsSpanish world market leader for nucleic acid-based virus screening in blood banks, Grifols, has confirmed the purchase price for US-based Hologic’s NAT donor screening unit.
F2G: Medical reference
AppointmentsAntifungal drug developer F2G Ltd has appointed distinguished research scientist John Rex to the position of Chief Medical Officer.
Merck: Strategic hike
AppointmentsAt the beginning of October, Isabel De Paoli assumed the position of Chief Strategy Officer at German healthcare company Merck GmbH. She will head the Group Strategy and Transformation Function, which has just been created.
Oncology: Orion teams up with Wi2
Latest NewsFinnish theranostics specialist Orion Corporation is set to fill its oncology pipeline through a drug development alliance.
Curetis bags EIB debt financing and expands
Latest NewsDutch-German molecular diagostics specialist Curetis has bagged debt finanancing from the European Investment Bank (EIB) to expand its automated multiplex PCR platform Univero. The company will receive €10m immediately. Further €15m are milestone-dependent.
Pharmalink: Gaining momentum
AppointmentsIn order to prepare for the start of Phase III trials with its lead drug candidate Nefecon, Pharmalink AB has made several new appointments. Among them Kari Sandvold, who will take over as Vice President Pharmaceutical Development and Manufacturing.