JANUS® G3 Automation Workstations

JANUS® Automation Workstations deliver real-time and future adaptability in throughput, capacity, and dynamic volume range from 0.5 ?l to 5000 ?l for consistent and reproducible sample preparation 


JANUS® G3 Automation Workstations deliver real-time and future adaptability in throughput, capacity, and dynamic volume range from 0.5 ?l to 5000 ?l for consistent and reproducible sample preparation with a choice of pipetting heads, gripper options, and application accessories for complete, walk-away automation. JANUS G3 WinPREP user friendly software with Application Assistant interface provides “drag-and-drop” applications programming without complexity.

The JANUS instrument family includes four workstations, the Mini, Standard, Integrator, and Expanded platforms, providing complete flexibility to best suit your particular application and deck capacity requirements; additionally, NGS and Biotherapeutics application specific workstations designed with customer input for optimal automated NGS library preparation and small scale purification, respectively.

Find out more at www.perkinelmer.co.uk/automated-liquid-handling


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