Bayer AGBayer AG presents successor für CEO Bauma...The Supervisory Board of Bayer AG has appointed Roche Pharmaceuticals CEO Bill Anderson (56) as new Chairman of the Management Board of Bayer AG with effect from 1 June 2023. more ➔
Oxford BiomedicaOxford Biomedica changes management Former Rentschler-CEO Dr Frank Mathias officially takes up his new position as CEO and board member of Oxford Biomedica at the end of March. more ➔
Ingenza Ltd.Ingenza gets a new strategic business advi... Dr Mark Chadwick will bring extensive industry knowledge to his new role as Strategic Business Advisor at UK-based Ingenza Ltd. more ➔
AbivaxAbivax appoints new CMO France-based Abivax SA announced the appointment of Sheldon Sloan, M.D., M. Bioethics, as its new Chief Medical Officer. He will assume the new role in the beginning of March. more ➔
BioSenicBioSenic strengthens scientific team with... Dr Carole Nicco took up her position as CSO of Belgium-based BioSenic in mid-January. Nicco will oversee the development of BioSenic’s cell therapy and autoimmune disease platform pipeline and be responsible … more ➔
European Investment FundEIF appointed Chief Executive At the beginning of January 2023?Marjut Falkstedt will start as new Chief Executive of the European Investment Fund (EIF). more ➔
ValnevaValneva: New created position Valneva has appointed Dipal Patel as new Chief Commercial Officer and Management Board member. more ➔
Oxford BiomedicaOxford Biomedica gains new CEO Dr Frank Mathias, currently CEO at Rentschler Biopharma, will join Oxford Biomedica as CEO and Board Director in March 2023. more ➔
OxSonics TherapeuticsOxSonics Therapeutics with new Chief Execu...At the beginning of november, OxSonics Therapeutics has appointed Jérôme Marzinski as its Chief Executive Officer. more ➔
Aurobac TherapeuticsAMR joint venture Aurobac appoints CEO Aurobac Therapeutics has appointed Florence Séjourné as CEO. The French company is a joint venture, founded by Boehringer Ingelheim, Evotec and bioMérieux and focuses on combating antimicrobial resistance … more ➔