Life Science ecosystem Rhine Neckar: Hot spot for investors

The BioRN Life Science cluster Rhine-Neckar has set the right course to further accelerate the start-up dynamic. Several lighthouse projects have been established recently, fostering innovation and providing the ideal breeding ground for biotech projects. Joint forces now develop strategies to attract investors and increase the visibility of the start-up community. The Life Science Investors´ Day Heidelberg has established itself as a top-class platform.


The BioRN Life Science Cluster Rhine-Neckar has developed over more than 25 years with three major pillars:

  • superior innovation potential based on globally renowned research institutions,
  • a growing startup community to bring innovative ideas forward, and
  • critical mass of global pharmaceutical companies operating research and development sites that further enable well anchored industry-academia cooperations.

However, to develop the region into a long-term sustainable hot spot for life sciences innovation, the entrepreneurial ecosystem needs to be nurtured by a continuous inflow of capital that fills the gaps in the value chain from technology transfer to clinical trial funding.

Translating innovation

With the support of BioRN, the first European location of BioLabs was founded in 2021 in Heidelberg. The successful US model for life science incubators strengthens the biotech start-up landscape in the region. ­Figures from the numerous US-based BioLabs show that nine out of ten companies that have been BioLabs tenants settle permanently in the region, becoming an integral part of the ecosystem and driving further innovation.

Accompanied by BioRN and established in 2021, beLAB2122 is crucial for the growth of the entrepreneurial ecosystem and demonstrates the enormous innovation potential that can be translated into economic viability beLAB2122 is the industry-academia bridge of Evotec and Bristol Myers Squibb with five leading institutes located in the greater Heidelberg region.

Every year, around ten start-ups are founded in this life science ecosystem. This shows that the manifold initiatives to foster entrepreneurship are bearing fruit. Politicians are now being asked to remove the hurdles for founders, especially when it comes to financing. In the BioRN Think Tank “Investment”, various concepts are being evaluated such as matching funds together with the federal state and its federal bank, regional venture capital funds or access to private investors and specific capital market segments.

In addition, it is important to increase the visibility of life science start-ups and provide a platform for continuous exchange between investors and founders in order to identify opportunities early on and realise potential together. The The Life Science Investors´ Day Heidelberg, the joint initiative of BioLabs Heidelberg, BioRN, the Heidelberg Start-up Partners and the Life Science Accelerator Baden-Württemberg, has facilitated this exchange. Start-ups and founding projects from all over the world are invited to send their application to the organising committee. Investors interested in therapeutics, diagnostics, and deep-tech digital health can attend with pre-registration.

The next Life Science Investors’ Day takes place on September 28th.


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