LISAvienna’s 20th anniversary celebration was a blast
Vienna is one of Europe's most dynamic innovation hubs in the life sciences. End of September, the life science community met to celebrate LISAvienna. For 20 years, LISAvienna has been acting as the cluster's central point of contact. In close collaboration with Austria's support and funding ecosystem, the platform accompanies and supports bioentrepreneurs through the ups and downs of their journey to transfer innovative business ideas into viable products and services.
LISAvienna provides advice free of charge at the interface of Austria Wirtschaftsservice Austria’s promotional bank boosting innovation and growth and the Vienna Business Agency.
Vienna’s growing biotechnology, pharmaceutical, medical device and digital health community comprises more than 600 organisations, employing a workforce of 41,000 people. The Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy and the City of Vienna are fully committed to advancing the sector and regularly launch thematic funding programs. In addition, 14% research tax premium, well-trained hands-on professionals, an outstanding quality of life and its strategically favourable location in the heart of Europe, all make Austria highly attractive to the life science business community. In collaboration with the Austrian Business Agency, LISAvienna also provides support for international companies, that want to set up in Austria, expand, grow or do research here. Up to €1m pre-seed and seed financing is available for implementing deep-tech start-ups, and early-stage drug development is eligible for funding from the €70m KHAN-I via wings4innovation.
Twenty years ago, LISAvienna was initiated to facilitate joining forces at federal and state levels with the life sciences sector. Its outstanding success proves that the founders Sonja Hammerschmid and Edeltraud Stiftinger were right on the mark! During the celebration at the gorgeous Vienna City Hall, they briefly looked back at the struggles in those early days and congratulated their successors on their achievements. Today, LISA Life Science Austria is well-known throughout Europe and LISAvienna plays a key role in that. The Austrian booth at BIO-Europe in Leipzig once again pulled in crowds.
LISAvienna Managing Directors Johannes Sarx and Philipp Hainzl commented: Biomedical research, drug and IVD development and manufacturing plus all the related services still are the strongest pillars of Austria’s and Vienna’s life sciences landscape. In addition to health tech, green and food tech are also gaining importance, with shared scientific infrastructure and cutting-edge research findings being key drivers. To put a spotlight on the diversity of topics and actors characterising the community, we invited eight representatives to share insights on stage at our festive anniversary ceremony.
Six stakeholders in LISAvienna were also engaged digitally in advance to present their organisations, tasks and personalities, and current challenges. These videos and a clip based on hundreds of event photos are available on LISAvienna’s YouTube channel. There, you can also find a photo mosaic clip containing lots of great memories drawn from LISAvienna’s archive.
Johannes Sarx und Philipp Hainzl