IZB Start-up: Exosome Diagnostics

Exosome Diagnostics develops biofluid-based molecular diagnostic tests for use in personalized medicine and collaborates with pharmaceutical companies to develop companion diagnostics (CDx).

What is your motivation?
A big motivator for us is working with cutting-edge science and translating it to tangible diagnostic products that make a difference to patients and doctors in everyday clinical care. Exosome Diagnostics’ test, ExoDx® Prostate test (EPI), is the first diagnostic test in clinical practice in the world to use exosomes and extracellular vesicle biomarkers. It is indicated for patients under suspicion of prostate cancer, with a PSA in the gray zone (2-10 ng/mL), to aid in the decision whether to proceed with a biopsy. The test is available in the US as a laboratory developed test and is currently being developed by the Exosome Diagnostics’ European subsidiary at the IZB as an in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) for the European market and to benefit European patients and clinicians.

About your company
Exosome Diagnostics (now a Bio-Techne company) is developing revolutionary biofluid-based diagnostics for use in personalized medicine and collaborates with biopharma companies to develop companion diagnostic products (CDx). Exosomes are released from living cells as an active metabolic process, into biofluids such as blood, urine and cerebrospinal fluid and provide a stable source of cell-specific intact nucleic acids and proteins. The company’s novel exosome-based technology platform, ExoLution, can yield comprehensive and dynamic molecular insights to transform how cancer and other serious diseases are detected, diagnosed, treated and monitored. The European subsidiary at the IZB in Martinsried develops and commercializes in-vitro diagnostic products under ISO 13485.

Exosome Diagnostics GmbH in the Innovation- and Start-up Center for Biotechnology (IZB)
Am Klopferspitz 19a
82152 Planegg / Martinsried


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