Higher omega-3 level apparently protects from dying from COVID-19
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, together with Omegametrix’s U.S. sister laboratory determined the HS-Omega-3 Index in 100 patients with COVID-19 on hospital admission. Omegametrix is a start-up based at the Innovation and Start-up Center in Martinsried Biotechnology (IZB) near Munich. "Of the 25 patients with the highest HS- Omega-3 Index values (>5.7 percent), one patient died, while of the 75 patients with lower values, 13 died. After adjustment for known risk factors, the 25 patients with the highest values were 75 percent less likely to die. In other words, the relative risk of dying from COVID-19 was four times higher with an HS-Omega-3 Index <5.7 percent than with an HS-Omega-3 Index >5.7 percent," explained Prof. Clemens von Schacky, CEO of Omegametrix GmbH, the study. The results have been published in electronic form, but are still preliminary due to the small number of cases. Omegametrix is working with Munich clinics to substantiate the results. The background is probably that with a higher HS-Omega-3 index the cytokine reaction ("cytokine storm") is lower and inflammations are resolved more quickly. That is why numerous intervention studies with EPA & DHA have already been started for prevention and therapy of COVID-19.
"I am pleased that from the IZB on the subject of COVID-19 not only news on drug development can be published again and again, but now also on the prevention of the disease," said Dr. Peter Hanns Zobel, Managing Director IZB.
Omega-3 fatty acids perform central tasks in the body and are found in every single body cell. This makes them a crucial factor for health. The two omega-3 fatty acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are present in particularly large quantities in the cells of the brain and, with a share of about 60 percent, in the retina of the eyes. Furthermore, positive effects on the cardiovascular system, high blood pressure, muscle soreness in extreme athletes and also on children
with ADHD can be identified.
How can the concentration of omega-3 fatty acids in one’s own body be determined precisely and reliably? The HS-Omega-3 Index®, which was developed by Prof. Dr. von Schacky, measures the level of the two essential fatty acids EPA and DHA in the red blood cells according to a strictly standardized procedure. In addition, 24 other fatty acids are measured, which can provide additional information about certain trans fatty acids, among others, some of which are dangerous. An optimal HS-Omega-3 Index® should be in the range of 8-11 percent. Omegametrix analyzes the entire fatty acid spectrum and is the only laboratory in Europe that determines the HS-Omega-3 Index® and provides a scientifically based value of the relative proportion of EPA and DHA in the membrane of the erythrocytes.
Watch the Video here: https://www.izb-online.de/en/a-higher-omega-3-level-probably-protects-against-dying- from-covid-19/