Flexcell Systems – Perfect Tools for Mechanobiological Applications

Designed to investigate the effects of strain or pressure to 2D and 3D cell cultures or the effects of fluid shear stress to 2D cultures, the Flexcell equipment offers its users various possibilities to set their cells under stress.


Designed to investigate the effects of  strain or pressure to 2D and 3D cell cultures (using the Tension, Compression, and Tissue Train systems) or the effects of fluid shear stress to 2D cultures (using the Streamer, Osci-Flow, and HiQ Flowmate systems), the Flexcell equipment offers its users various possibilities to set their cells under stress. The systems feature a wide range of adjustable test parameters to simulate in vivo tissue strains, forces, shear stress and frequencies in cells from muscle, lung, heart, blood vessels, skin, tendon, ligament, cartilage, and bone.
The optional accessories such as the 24-well Baseplate Kit (for high-throughput applications), the Microscopy Devices (observing cell responses in real-time), or the new Transwell Holders (to analyze cell migration in co-culture assays) help to adapt and upgrade the modular systems to the users’ requirements.
The Flexcell systems have featured worldwide in over 3,000 scientific publications in journals such as Circulation, Journal of Cell Biology, Nature, PNAS, Tissue Engineering and many more.

Dunn Labortechnik, the exclusive European distributor, will exhibit the Flexcell products at the European Society of Biomechanics Conference (ESB 2016) on 10th – 13th July, 2016, Centre de Congrès, Lyon, France, and will be pleased to welcome you at our booth to show you the different systems and features in action. If you cannot visit our booth at the ESB 2016 conference, please do not hesitate to contact us for detailed information and personal advice (info@dunnlab.de).


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