CATALYSER – the Start-up-Magazine 2/24

A print magazine focussing on start-ups in the life sciences! Like a catalyst, it aims to promote young companies in the life sciences with the right impulses.


As a novelty in the European media landscape, the magazine Catalyser is explicitly targeting the audience of entrepreneurs in life sciences. In the second issue, created in collaboration with the publisher BIOCOM, influential figures in the industry will have their say, exploring the potential of the innovation hub in Germany, and shedding light on current topics and backgrounds surrounding startups, grownups and technologies.

Topics highlighted in the second edition:

JUST SOME CRAZY THOUGHTS – Patrick Rose reveals three moonshot projects worth investing

SHARE WHAT YOU DO – Barbara Stegmann: Successful founder and personal brand

STORYTELLING FOR SUCCESS – Why communication is an important key to success for startups

CHANGING DIRECTION – When and how to pivot your business successfully

BUILD IT YOURSELF – Advantages of prototyping for life science startups

GIMME SHELTER – Financing in economically challenging times

INVESTOR JARGON FOR FOUNDERS – Understanding frequently used terms of investors

The second edition of the CATALYSER was published in |transkript 2/2024


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