Is your reality quite different from other... While open innovation may be seen as a way of cutting costs by shutting down in-house R&D in favour of promoting spin-offs, start-ups, and biotech SMEs, the open science movement aims to establish … more ➔
Determined to grow Spanish 3P Biopharmaceuticals has shown tremendous growth, at least 10 per cent above market growth rate in the past four years. European Biotechnology spoke with Dámaso Molero, CEO of the Spanish … more ➔
Access instead of bureaucracyA newly forming industry association warns the European Commission not to block patients’ access to the emerging EU market for medicinal cannabis. At the BIO-Europe in Hamburg, European Biotechnology … more ➔
Its simply mind over matter, guys!The European biotech sector is flourishing – rising stock prices, big partnering deals, and some major M&A. Can someone please tell European fund managers that investing in biotech is simply mind … more ➔
European Cannabis Association: An essentia... Medical cannabis has become one of the most important economic topics in recent years! But, what makes this topic so relevant, and why is it so essential to found a European association? The legalisation … more ➔
IMI AMR Accelerator: Allow the few to make...In 2019, a new AMR accelerator kicked off under the aegis of the Innovative Medicines Initiative as a follow-up and evolutive next step to the former New Drugs for Bad Bugs programme. European Biotechnology … more ➔
Biotech Innovation Requires a Predictable...Modern biotechnology creates next generation therapies and cures, delivers value to patients and the economy, cuts greenhouse gas emissions, reduces reliance on fossil fuels, and generates higher crop … more ➔
Investors make commitment to net zero emis...There was unparalleled surprise in New York when a powerful alliance of UN-backed asset owners announced it will drive it’s portfolio companies to carbon neutrality by 2050. This could mean a fundamental … more ➔
We need predictive safety biomarkers Every year, drug developers lose billions of euros because of late-stage clinical or postmarking safety problems with drugs. A recently kicked-off IMI consortium now wants to qualify a set of safety … more ➔
IP Flash: Patent IneligibilityBy Ute Kilger, Patent Attorney, European Patent and Trade Mark Attorney, Boehmert & Boehmert Anwaltspartnerschaft mbB The US Supreme Court has mutilated US Patent law with the law of nature doctrine … more ➔