New Pierre Guerin site in Hildesheim, Germany
Mid last year, the company Pierre Guerin has opened a new location in Germany, Hildesheim.
The Group Pierre Guerin offers significant engineering – capacity of high quality in the field of life sciences (biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry). The engineering and design departments develop technical solutions with the goal of full integration Process, including the supplied equipment and accessories.
The areas of expertise of Pierre Guerin include project management, process engineering, mechanical engineering, E-technology engineering and automation. Implementing functional and performance requirements of their clients as well as:
- Excellence in the areas of design and construction (entire design in 3D, compliance with the standards of ASME BPE)
- High-performance calculation tools (calculations in pressure tanks in accordance with European regulations and ASME, seismic calculations, finite element calculations, flow – and cleaning simulations)
- Experience in the field of ATEX.
Area of expertise – developing and realization of equipment and process lines made of stainless steel.
Experience – in own container construction, industrial engineering and the management of large projects all over the world allows Pierre Guerin, to promote a globally recognized comprehensive range.
Expert knowledge – cover a variety of sectors, enrich knowledge and promote creativity and innovative strength. Pierre Guerin shares his experience with its customers, so that they can benefit from the latest innovations and industry solutions, through the implementation of total quality management using modern tools for continuous improvement draw from.
Reputation relies on Pierre Guerin team’s ability to manage complex technical projects and to deliver high-quality equipment and at the same time meet the clients expectations in terms of timeliness, efficiency, and costs.
The subsidiary opened in 2017 at the location of Hildesheim consists of sales, mechanical engineering, engineering automation, design and service.
From this location in addition to Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary are looked after.
For more information, please visit the website: www.pierreguerin.com
Director of PG Deutschland