New BIOTECH insight newsletter out
Breaking news from biotechnology and the German stock market are in the focus of the new issue of BIOTECH Insight, the newsletter of Deutsche Börse AG.
In its latest issue, the BIOTECH Insight newsletter of Deutsche Börse AG and its partner BIOCOM AG covers latest figures of a company survey that shows a slight Corona-driven growth of the German biotech sector in 2022. While the pandemic boosted growth of the healthcare sector, industrial biotech showed the largest increase in terms of the number of new company start-ups, reflecting the significance of biotechnological solutions to climate change.In a dossier, BIOTECH Insight thus puts a focus on the opportunities of precision fermentation in the cell-based food, biomaterials, defossilised chemicals markets and beyond. Cultivated meat producer Innocent Meat is being portraited, and breaking news from the German Biotech sector are being presented.