Electrochaea sells biomethane reactor to Again A/S
Archaeal Power-to-biomethan producer Electrochaea GmbH has sold a BioCat bioreactor to the Danish CCU specialist Again A/S.
Like German bio-CH4 producer Electrochea GmbH, Danish Again A/S is using CO2-fxing archaea, but to manufacture carbon-negative chemicals such as acetic acid at induistrial scale. Most recently, Again struck a 10 year-deal with German HELM to produce and distribute 50.000 tonnes of carbon-negative acetic acid.
“Together with AGAIN, we have put the valuable hardware to a second use. This is extremely attractive both economically and ecologically. We are committed to ensuring that the reuse and recyclability of industrial equipment is no longer the exception, but the rule. With the purchase of the Electrochaea bioreactor, AGAIN has acquired a valuable asset that will enrich its research and development work. An absolute win-win situation,” said Dr Doris Hafenbradl, Managing Director and CTO at Electrochaea.
With the sale of its non-single-purpose reactor, Electrochaea is setting a new industry standard for maximising resource efficiency, hardware reuse and adaptive bioreactor technology.Electrochaea is known for its pioneering biotechnology for the production of CO2-neutral synthetic methane from industrial CO2 and hydrogen as a substitute for fossil natural gas. In case of market adoption, the e-methane can be used as a fossil-free alternative for LNG.
The reactor was the world’s largest power-to-gas plant based on biological methanation. Electrochaea operated the plant to demonstrate commercial-scale biological methanation and grid feed-in of synthetic methane from raw biogas and CO2. The methanisation criteria and performance of the plant were certified by ETA-Danmark A/S and FORCE Technology under the European ETV procedure before it was sold to Again A/S. The German company’s industrial-scale pilot plants have already been commissioned in the USA, Switzerland and Denmark.