Best of 2016: Our most wanted news

Which European Biotechnology news stories topped the charts this year? The European Biotechnology team delved into archives and analysed the click statistics. And here they are: the most wanted news stories of 2016!


European Biotechnology News wishes you a merry Christmas season and a happy New Year! We will be back with fresh news and a packed calendar on Monday, 4th January. Until then, enjoy our most read news of the bygone year. 

The most-read news

1. Running made by biotech

Adidas has presented the world’s first lightweight racing shoe made by recombinantly produced silk fibers. 

2. Biotech responds to Brexit vote

After the British people voted in favour of leaving the European Union, the industry is grappling with the profound impact this will likely have on the economy, research and politics. Representatives from biotech industry, research and policits have expressed their concerns and hopes on the upcoming Brexit.

3. EPO rules threaten biotech industry

The European Patent Office’s decision to speed up examination of patent applications to 12 months without any transition period is set to ruin biotech SMEs financially and may send a blocking signal to innovators. 

4. Biomarker lifts a secret of old age

Why do people grow old? Italian researchers took a close look at centenarians and found that low levels of the peptide hormone Adrenomedullin may significantly contribute towards good microcirculation and thus longevity.

Brexit was on everybody’s mind the last year. It is not surprising that this was the Opinion piece everybody wanted to read:

By Claire Skentelbery. Well, those bloody idiots in the UK managed to do it – talk themselves from decades of hysteria about straight bananas (entirely fabricated by one B Johnson during his time as a journalist in Brussels) into actually voting to leave.


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