Using a platform tailored to patients’ specific cancer mutations, British and US researchers for the first time detected residual disease in breast cancer patients.

Novo Holdings A/S (Novo Holdings) invests $72m in LanzaTech to support development of the company’s sustainable fuels and chemicals platform
German researchers have developed a software that allows to manage and correct the huge amount of data generated by 3D reconstruction of tumours or organs using light sheet microscopy.

SillaJen, the licensor for French immunoncology specialist Transgene SA, has stopped enrolment into the Phase III Phocus trial after an Independent Data Review Comittee predicted the study endpoint won’t be met.

Wellington Partners has closed its largest Life Sciences Fund ever. The VC specialist outperformed its intial target of raising €120m to €150m and closed at €210m.

Venture Captital specialist LSP led a €67m Series A financing in peptide developer Alizé Pharma 3.

Two research teams have unraveled the complex dynamics of TNF? receptor signaling and have identified compounds that may be safer than current treatments.

Plant protection specialist AgroSavfe will use the funds of a €35m Series C financing to push the development, registration and commercial scale production of its biofungicides and bio-insecticide.

The European Commission has authorised ten genetically modified products.

Zambon is set to acquire respiratory company Breath Therapeutics for up to €500m to complement its respiratory pipeline and get access to the US market.