LISAvienna welcomes new team member

Eva Schlintl joined the LISAvienna team at the beginning of September. Most recently, she managed the LISA Life Science Austria programme of Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft mbH (aws).


LISAvienna is the joint life science platform of Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft mbH (aws) and the Vienna Business Agency. Since September, Eva Schlintl has been advising biotechnology, medical technology and pharmaceutical companies on all issues related to start-ups, settlement, funding, cooperation, infrastructure, and internationalization. Another focus of her work will be networking in the sector. She is well equipped for her new tasks. Schlintl has been an investment manager at the aws since 2016. There she managed the LISA – Life Science Austria programme. She was responsible for the funding instruments preseed and seed financing in the life sciences and other measures that support life sciences start-ups, such as the establishment of a life sciences technology transfer fund, business plan competitions, core facilities and training and networking opportunities around knowledge transfer.

Schlintl studied molecular biotechnology at the FH Campus Wien and worked in parallel in university research at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna and the Medical University of Vienna.


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