Winter 2023

Cellular Agriculture – Boom or exodus?

Will Europe once again grow dependent on the US and Asia – this time in the potential billion-dollar market for cell-based meat, fish and dairy products? Over 90% of EU biotechs with a corresponding product range decide to have their products approved in Singapore or the US because of slow responses from an unmotivated EU food authority and hesitant investment in industrial production facilities. Dubai is also traying to attract EU innovators with big equity investments.

In this issue:

  • Cancer: Hit it with your best shot – Progress with antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) against solid tumours
  • News from the financial markets
  • Update of ongoing clinical trials
  • IP Flash – Is “the hidden” publicly available?
  • Special: Bioparks & Manufacturing – Square metres: the new gold
  • Action plan needed – Interview with Marco Rupp, Biobased Industries Consortium, on how to make the circular bio-based economy a success.
  • Biotech’s EU exodus – Europe is the cradle of the cell-based meat sector. However, companies that have developed microbial, fungal and cellbased alternatives to conventional meat, fish or diary products – or to plant-based protein alternatives, which are often expensive and not very tasty – face major hurdles when it comes to authorisation and production on the continent. Will companies soon begin leaving Europe for greener pastures?
  • BioFairs Compass– Life Sciences Events in the first half on 2024
  • News from Swiss Biotech Association, BIOTECH Austria, Young European Biotech Network


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Summer 2024
Spring 2024
Autumn 2023
Summer 2023
Spring 2023



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