How Content Access and Manual Process Hinder Mining Efforts
In biomedical R&D, researchers use text mining tools to extract and interpret facts, assertions and relationships from vast amounts of published information. Mining accelerates the research process, increases discovery and helps companies identify potential safety issues in the drug development pipeline. However, despite the many benefits of text mining, researchers face a number of obstacles before they even get a chance to run queries against the body of biomedical literature.
While text mining can accelerate and enrich your company’s R&D program, limited access to full-text content in XML format across multiple publishers and layers of manual process place unnecessary barriers between researchers and the content they want to mine.
Learn how you can improve the results of your text mining efforts, increase efficiency, strengthen your compliance program and save money by contacting RightsDirect at +31-20-312-0437 or emailing info@rightsdirect.com.
About RightsDirect
RightsDirect provides licensing solutions that make copyright compliance easy, allowing companies to re-use and share the most relevant digital content across borders. With RightsDirect copyright licenses and complementary information management tools, users can instantly check license coverage, manage permissions and optimize content workflow in one integrated solution.
Based in Amsterdam and with a presence in Tokyo, RightsDirect is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Copyright Clearance Center (CCC). Working in close partnership with th e world’s leading rightsholders and collecting societies, we offer licensing and content solutions that reflect the needs of local and global organizations. Together, CCC and RightsDirect serve more than 35,000 companies and over 12,000 rightsholders around the globe. www.rightsdirect.com