Sequencing-ready DNA for fast Molecular Breeding results
BioEcho develops single-spin and 96-well kits for the isolation of DNA from different starting materials. Their proprietary EchoLUTION single-step technology avoids the use of inhibitory process reagents while using dedicated efficient lysis reagents for e.g. different plant tissues. In contrast to common bind-wash-elute procedures, the process does not require washing steps. The inhibitor-free DNA enables lowered time-to-result in enzyme-dependent genomic analyses such as PCR or NGS.
Innovation in plant breeding is the basis to meet the challenges which come up with climate change and the world’s growing demand for food.
Due to the decreasing cost and effort of sequencing, developments in plant genome analysis technologies have become much faster as well as technically less demanding compared to a few years ago. Basis for a quick development of improved crop species is the preparation of sequencing-ready, high quality and better yield of genomic DNA for reasonable cost.
Correlation between inhibitor-free DNA and acceleration of breeding results
The innovative EchoLUTION process, either in spin or in 96-well format does not need any washing steps and works completely in the absence of denaturing salts and organic solvents. These reagents – used in common Silica-based bind-wash-elute DNA extraction – inhibit enzymatic-reaction based analysis like PCR or NGS when carried over into the DNA preparation. The increase of overall speed, due to time savings from the process itself as well as the less error-prone enzymatic downstream analysis, makes EchoLUTION Plant DNA extraction kits the ideal tool for use in plant breeding projects.
Quick and easy process
The EchoLUTION tailor-made TurboLyseTM lysis proteases quickly and gently release the plant DNA. For the separation from the remaining cellular constituents and from process components (enzymes, salts, detergents), the lysate is processed in only one centrifugation step, independent of the throughput, i. e. as a single-sample isolation in a spin column or multi-parallel in a 96-well plate (see figure). BioEcho’s purification matrix is a proprietary formulated bead suspension and it is tuned to make sure that all unwanted components are either filtered out or retained. In contrast to the very few other high-speed methods which often miss NGS quality, EchoLUTION purified genomic plant DNA is free from all inhibitors and salts highly-pure and -concentrated, buffered and ready-to-use.
Ideal for plant research and breeding projects
For applications in plant research and molecular breeding, the EchoLUTION Plant DNA workflow can be performed in low as well as high throughput (Spin or 96-well format).
For a molecular breeding project, various vegetables and fruits need to be purified in sufficient amounts with reliable high purity for later detection in qPCR or NGS. The data below, kindly provided by a Molecular Breeding Company (The Netherlands), show 8 different leaf tissues (4 samples each) from the indicated origin. Both OD-based purity indicators are in the optimal range. DNA is of consistent high purity and was reliably detected in qPCR. There are no reaction drop-outs and therefore no more re-work on individual reactions is needed or more time and money will be wasted when applied to genomic technologies such as NGS.
Different starting material
The EchoLUTION Plant DNA kits are specified for a wide variety of starting materials from root, leaf tissue, seeds and others. The respective 96-well Kits can be flexibly used manually or simply incorporated in automated workflows.
Challenge us for a product demonstration in your lab!
Dr. Frank Schäfer, BioEcho Life Sciences GmbH
Biocampus Cologne
Tel. +49 (0)221-99 88 97-0