Phenol, guanidinium and ethanol affect PCR or NGS analysis

BioEcho Life Sciences develops novel kits for the isolation and processing of DNA and RNA. The new EchoCLEAN CleanUp kits for rapid single-step purification of RNA or DNA samples with removal of any residual denaturating salts or organic solvents increase the reliability in PCR and NGS analysis.

Genomic DNA or RNA extractions based on Phenol/Chloroform, TRIzolTM et al. and alkohols are still commonly used because of lower costs. These processes are generally time-consuming and may be harmful for lab safety and health.
Residual amounts of these reagents have, even just in traces, inhibitory effects on enzyme-dependent downstream applications such as PCR or NGS. A compromise in sensitivity or even drop-outs of PCR reactions are frequently observed as well as limitations for NGS indicated by lowered parameters like coverage or Phred score. These consequences are typically costly and slow down scientific results. BioEchoTM brings new solutions to the market – the new and unique EchoCLEANTM CleanUp Kits reliably remove all remaining traces of unwanted organic solvent or guanidinium molecules from RNA or DNA samples.

Failure risks are eliminated

EchoCLEAN Organic Solvent DNA and RNA CleanUp Kits – unlike common bind-wash-elute Clean-up methods do not include any denaturating guanidinium salts and the use of ethanol. These reagents, if still present in the RNA or DNA samples, have also inhibitory effects on enzymatic reactions with the consequences described above. The genomic DNA or RNA remains in solution during the entire EchoCLEAN process, thus shearing forces are minimized and nucleic acids of superior purity are obtained which are ready-to-use for PCR and NGS.

Fast and easy

The EchoCLEAN system is designed for a single-step DNA or RNA clean-up in just 3 minutes. Residual amounts of inhibitory reagents like Phenol/ TRIzolTM /Chloroform, Ethanol or guanidinium salts are reliably removed and the DNA or RNA samples are recovered with close to 100 % efficiency. With only one centrifugation step, highly pure nucleic acids are obtained (see figure above)

For all RNA or DNA samples

The EchoCLEAN CleanUp portfolio is the ideal solution for any DNA and RNA preparation or for DNA fragments which need to be purified prior to downstream applications. All impurities such as chaotrophic salts, nucleotides, primers and detergents are efficiently removed. The two new and innovative EchoCLEAN products complement the portfolio,  eliminating  frequently underestimated causes for compromised results in PCR and ideally prepare DNA or RNA samples for NGS.
EchoCLEAN Organic Solvent DNA CleanUp is particularly beneficial for all genomic DNA samples derived from procedures using ethanol in washing steps or from Phenol/Chloroform-based extractions. EchoCLEAN RNA CleanUp Kit reliably removes all impurities including organic solvents and salts. It is highly suited for the clean-up of all total RNA or mRNA samples derived from either bind-wash-elute procedures using guanidinium and ethanol or extracted with TRIzolTM/Phenol/Chloroform.

More details
Do you struggle with your DNA or RNA samples derived from common bind-wash-elute procedures or extractions with Phenol/TrizolTM/Chloroform? If you would like to receive more information, please check for details or contact us (see below).

Dr. Frank Schäfer, BioEcho Life Sciences GmbH
Biocampus Cologne,
Tel. +49 (0)221-99 88 97-0

Trademarks: BioEchoTM; EchoCLEANTM (BioEcho Life Sciences GmbH); TRIzolTM (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.; USA)


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