Over 800 Participants from 40 Countries in 2,000 Meetings
Six times as many decision-makers attended the 3rd European Chemistry Partnering today- compared to the initial event two years ago: with participants from Brazil, Morocco and Australia, all six continents were represented for the first time. More than 2,000 partnering meetings formed the basis of interdisciplinary exchanges regarding innovation. In addition, there were countless discussions in the exhibition area, at the speaker corners and during the many networking opportunities.
The interdisciplinary success story of the European Chemistry Partnering goes from strength to strength: More than 800 participants from 40 nations and six continents attended today. Technologies and innovations were presented in over 100 Pitches (short presentations) in parallel in four rooms. For the first time, most of these Pitches were recorded and will be made available to all participants, with the consent of presenters, from mid-March. Among the speakers for the first time were nine large companies who presented in so-called Inversed Pitches.
The 1st World Chemistry Forum (WCF) provided the special finale of the day: The panel discussion held under this auspices highlighted one of todays major global problems: Plastics in the environment. Four international experts discussed the burning issue of a "New Plastics Economy". With the WCF format, the ECP is further developing into a Think Tank around chemical value creation, thus inviting all interest groups to discuss and exchange information and experience. In this way, topics related to industry, politics and society can be further advanced.
Holger Bengs, the initiator of the European Chemistry Partnering, sums up the 3rd European Chemistry Partnering:
"It was quite an emotional moment this morning and I actually shed a tear of joy at the opening when I welcomed our more than 800 guests from all over the world. The ECP is unique. We all prefer to do business with people we like, people we enjoy meeting: In such a community we deal with each other in a completely different way: the understanding for a short-term ‘no’ is greater, and you are happy about the next person and that another opportunity is awaiting you at the next table.
I am delighted that our concept is working, in particular for the many, many Start-ups from chemistry, biotechnology, digitization and many other important innovative domains. Technology specialists from the Universities and Research Institutes have a three-fold problem: Firstly, there is a lack of time for them to build up a network and be part of a lively community when every hour has to be devoted to developing prototypes in order to be successful. Secondly, networking, marketing, distribution and sales speak a completely different language that has to be learnt. And third, compliance and privacy rules sometimes make it difficult to reach the right decision-makers in the short term. At the ECP, we leverage all three disadvantages: Everyone can easily get in touch with everyone else.
And with the participation of the World Chemistry Forum, which, for the first time, included the final panel discussion at the ECP, we are opening the door further with our competent partners: in this way the ECP becomes transparent as a forum for constructive dialogue with all the interest groups (stakeholders) in our society and thus a true Think Tank to help shape our existence on earth; in a constructive dialog.
In recognition of his commitment to Frankfurt as the location for the European Chemistry Partnering, the initiator of the ECP, Dr. Holger Bengs, was appointed Frankfurt Congress Ambassador by the City of Frankfurt in November 2018.