LKF 30 years dedicated to clinical trials
This year LKF Central Laboratory, which specialises in international clinical trials, celebrates its 30th anniversary. Although size and services have developed significantly since the beginning, LKF´s corporate philosophy is still the same. With its dedicated team, LKF supports clinical trials with an individual and study-oriented, flexible approach with consistent high-quality laboratory standards.
Schwentinental 1991: Driven by a vision and great vigour technical assistant, Bärbel Wilke started analyzing blood counts together with Prof. Wolfgang Junge in an old 40 square meters bar. Thirty years later, co-founder and CEO Bärbel Wilke has more than 130 employees and LKF has grown into a well-established 3,000 square metre central laboratory, a reliable service-provider and partner in clinical research. As a member of the GBA Group consisting of more than 34 sites, LKF becomes even more flexible in establishing new methods and services.
Flexibility is what our customers value most about us, resumes Wilke It’s a recipe for success that has worked. Continuity is a further pillar of LKF´s business model. With an amount of 40 percent of the staff working at LKF for more than ten years, the comprehensive knowledge and experience are grounded on a solid basis and maintain conserved within the company.
From women´s health to expansion plans
From planning to execution, LFK’s broad range of services today covers all aspects of the laboratory part of clinical trials. One of the main areas of focus is still in the field of women’s health. The first endometriosis studies, a disease in which tissue similar to the endometrium grows outside the uterus, were conducted 25 years ago and are the reason for the diverse range of hormone and coagulation analyses. However, LKF also has a great deal of experience in the field of oncological, virological, neurological, and dermatological studies. Scientific consulting, preparation of study-specific laboratory manuals, provision of study-specific laboratory kits, organization of worldwide kit and sample logistics and a comprehensive analytical service (safety panel, biomarkers, PK) are among LKF’s other core competencies.
Within its global network of partner laboratories that LKF has built up over the years in Europe, North and Latin America, India, and China, the company offers worldwide laboratory services for clinical trials. All information converges in a central database and is reported in Kiel under SOP (standard operation procedure) and sent back to physicians worldwide under SOP.
But now we finally want to take the leap across the pond! explains Wilke. The acquisition of a laboratory in the U.S. is a step onto a new continent for the GBA Group. Everything is very exciting, says Wilke, who sees clear advantages in flexibility and timing by having an own laboratory in the U.S.
About LKF
LKF, which is part oft the GBA Group, supports Phase I-IV clinical trials. Within its global network of partner laboratories in Europe, North and Latin America as well as China, LKF offers worldwide laboratory services for clinical trials. All information is gathered in a central database and is evaluated centrally in Kiel, from where it is sent to the trial centers worldwide. LKF has established a strict quality management system based on the international guidelines GCP (Good Clinical Practice) and ISO 17025.
Laboratorium für Klinische Forschung (LKF)
David Ommer: +49 4307 8276 0