GMP PharmaCongress 2024 – Vaccines, ATMP and more
In addition to classic aseptic manufacturing topics, the international GMP PharmaCongress and GMP Pharmatechnica Expo 2024 in Wiesbaden will also address global challenges with modern vaccines and novel drugs based on cell and gene therapies. The event thus offers a comprehensive programme for experts from pharmaceutical manufacturing, technology and quality assurance from industry, labs and authorities, as well as a platform for the direct exchange of knowledge and experience.
One of the major challenges in today’s era of globalisation, rapid travel and global mobility is to achieve appropriate preparation for pandemics. This requires, among other things, the development of modern vaccines, which must also fulfil a number of requirements:
- Safety: Guaranteed by extensive clinical studies and post-market surveillance.
- Efficacy: High level of protection against the respective disease, also extensively tested in clinical studies.
- Long-term protection: Longest possible protection.
- Stability and storage: High stability under different environmental conditions with worldwide use.
- Adaptability: Flexible adaptation of the vaccine to new variants of the pathogen.
- Production and availability: Rapid production, prepared distribution channels.
- Public acceptance: Clear communication of the advantages, risks and benefits.
- Ethics and accountability: Compliance with ethical standards during development and production.
However, other aspects also play a role in preparing for possible pandemics, such as early warning systems, monitoring and response for early detection (AI, big data analysis and telemedicine) with international cooperation, increased research and development for modern vaccines, antiviral drugs and new therapies (platform technologies), building up stocks and emergency reserves, strengthening healthcare systems and transparent communication and education.
One step in this direction is CEPI, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations. The CEPI’s Centralised Laboratory Network is the largest global group dedicated to standardising the assessment of vaccines being developed against some of the world’s most deadly outbreak diseases. Harmonising readouts on vaccine performance in a collaborative approach can expedite the development and regulatory approval of vaccines to enable faster responses to future emerging threats. This supports the 100 Days Mission, a goal, spearheaded by CEPI and embraced by the G7 and G20, to develop vaccines within 100 days of identification of a viral threat.
The PharmaCongress 2024 is also taking these requirements and developments into account, firstly with a new conference track on vaccines and secondly for the opening of the congress with a key note on the CEPI project, which now involves 40 countries and various organisations.
PharmaCongress 2024 offers a total of 11 conference tracks ranging from aseptic manufacturing to challenges in ATMPs and sustainability in manufacturing with modern technologies. The parallel PharmaTechnica Expo with 115 exhibitors and almost 20 live demos will also provide information on technical innovations and modern services in the GMP and GDP environment.
GMP PharmaCongress & GMP PharmaTechnica
19/20 March 2024
RheinMain CongressCenter Wiesbaden, Germany
Mr Axel H. Schroeder