The First Multi-Angle Light Scattering Detector for UHPLC!

The µDAWN Multi-Angle static Light Scattering (MALS) detector performs absolute characterization of macromolecules eluting from UHPLC, determining molar mass and size independently of retention time and molecular reference standards.


The µDAWN  Multi-Angle static Light Scattering (MALS) detector performs absolute characterization of macromolecules eluting from UHPLC, determining molar mass and size independently of retention time and molecular reference standards. This instrument offers superb sensitivity over a wide range of molar mass, size and concentrations. In most respects the µDAWN is similar to the well-established miniDAWN TREOS, a workhorse MALS instrument used in hundreds of labs around the world for characterizing proteins and other molecules smaller than 50 nm in radius.

Distinctly from the miniDAWN, the µDAWN is uniquely suitable for use in conjunction with UHPLC Size Exclusion Chromatography (µSEC-MALS) thanks to its small interdetector dispersion. In some cases it may be used with ion-exchange or other types of chromatography. Regardless of the specifics, the µDAWN produces minimal band broadening in order to maintain the narrow peaks typical of UHPLC.

The µDAWN and its companion Optilab® UT-rEX Refractive Index Detector interface to most standard UHPLC systems. As these instruments are based on the advanced technology of the miniDAWN TREOS and Optilab T-rEX, respectively, users may be confident in the underlying capabilities cited in thousands of peer-reviewed publications

The µDAWN may also be used in microbatch (off-line) mode or in conjunction with a Calypso II CG-MALS system for characterization of macromolecular interactions: affinity and absolute stoichiometry, label-free and immobilization-free, as well as second virial coefficients, cross virial coefficients, average molar masses and sizes.


Wyatt Technology Europe GmbH

Dr. Thomas Jocks | Scientific Marketing

Hochstrasse 18 | 56307 Bernbach | Germany

Tel.: +49(0)2689-925-215 | Fax: +49(0)2689-925-299

Web: www.wyatt.EU | Email: thomas.jocks[at]wyatt.EU


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