Equipment, plates and seals from Porvair Sciences for automation in drug discovery
Dunn Labortechnik presents a special product range from Porvair Sciences for sample preparation and improved productivity in drug discovery: evaporator, manifold, plate sealer and plates.
The robot compatible evaporator Ultravap Mistral is designed to remove the typical laboratory bottleneck of solvent evaporation from microplates. The evaporator provides an easy integration with many commercially available liquid handling systems and allows to remove solvents from a wide range of samples including 24- to 384-well, deep- and shallow well plates, vials and test tubes up to 60 mm high.
Productive automation of SPE or DNA clean-up procedures is taken care of by the Universal Robotic Manifold, which is able to accommodate collection plates from 14 mm to 44 mm in height and adaptable to use with filterplates with three different lengths of drips.
The MiniSeal II provides sealing of almost any deep well, shallow well or other assay plate with high pressure and a powerful heater. Sealed plates are automatically ejected from the device.
Additionally, Porvair Sciences offers a wide range of specialist microplates including assay, deep-well, SPE and filter plates for nearly every application in drug discovery.
For further information on the products from Porvair Sciences please contact us or visit our website www.dunnlab.de.