Bioprocess Autosampler: More Data, Less Effort
Taking samples during bioprocessing is an integral part of quality control. It allows to gather information about culture growth, medium conditions, as well as metabolite or product concentrations. Ideally, sampling should take place regularly and in equal intervals. However, for manual sampling this often involves extra work at night or during weekends. Here, automated sampling is an attractive alternative, freeing up time for other tasks or just a relaxing weekend. The Eppendorf Bioprocess Autosampler is offering exactly that freedom by allowing 24/7 sampling and safe storage of your valuable culture snapshots.
The space-saving design of the Bioprocess Autosampler does not require a laminar flow cabinet, while still providing aseptic sampling in microbial processes. Hundreds of samples can be stored at the same time in a tempered storage environment, allowing downstream analysis of nutrients, products, and/or cell densities.
The integration of the Bioprocess Autosampler in our DASware® control software makes setting up sampling easy. It not only provides a clear overview of the autosampler device itself, but also of important process parameters, such as pH and dissolved oxygen levels.
To learn more about the Bioprocess Autosampler and its features, visit:
This product is currently available in North America and Europe only.
Eppendorf Bioprocess Unit Rudolf-Schulten-Str. 5
52428 Juelich
Tel: +49 2461 980-400
E-Mail: bioprocess-info(at)eppendorf.de
Internet: www.eppendorf.com/bioprocess