Scotland boosts bio-based manufacturing with £75m fund

Biotech companies in Scotland's thriving bio-based manufacturing have been invited to apply for up to £1m funding within the Launchpad programme.


Scottish Enterprise and Innovate UK will deliver the Launchpad programme, designed to focus on Scotland’s strengths in the sector. The packages, ranging between £25,000 to £100,000 and £150,000 to £1m, are available to SMEs and larger businesses to drive the growth of the sector in Scotland. The Launchpads programme is funded by Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation. It is designed to build on innovation clusters around the UK that have significant growth potential and to deliver jobs, growth, and higher productivity, supporting the UK Government’s levelling-up agenda.

Scotland’s biobased manufacturing Launchpad has been developed jointly by Scottish Enterprise and Innovate UK, with support from Forth Valley College and IBioIC. Successful applicants will receive up to £100,000 (100% funded) for single SME led projects (under the Minimal Financial Assistance competition strand) and up to £1m (25-70% funded) for Collaborative R&D projects led by a UK business of any size (under the CR&D competition strand)


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