Evidence of deliberate climate damage
A new study adds weight to ongoing legal and political investigations against ExxonMobil for deliberate climate malfeasance.
For decades, some members of the fossil fuel industry tried to convince the public that a causative link between fossil fuel use and climate warming could not be made because the models used to project warming were too uncertain. As early as 1977, climate scenarios of the oil company ExxonMobil predicted global warming as a result of burning fossil fuels with an accuracy of 63% to 83%. This is confirmed by a German-US-American team’s analysis of the company’s internal forecasts, which has been published now (Science, doi: 10.1126/science.abk0063).
According to study co-author Stefan Rahmstorf of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Exxon’s projections predicted global warming of 0.20 ± 0.04 degrees Celsius per decade as early as 1977, better than NASA predictions presented to the US Congress a decade later. According to the study, the internal analyses of “Exxon and ExxonMobil Corp. […] accurately predicted when human-induced global warming would first be detected in measured data, and even realistically estimated the carbon budget for limiting warming to below 2°C.
Biotechnologies to migigate global warming will be subject of the second edition of the conference INDUSTRIA BIOTEC in Berlin that has been rescheduled. The conference will take place on 21 and 22 September 2023 and will cover latest trends in industrial biotech.
The first day will again be dedicated to the major topics of Industrial Biotechnology: food, energy, waste to value, chemistry and capital. Here, industry representatives in particular will discuss the latest opportunities and developments. On the second day, the conference will open up to identify obstacles to growth together with politicians and organisations and look for ways to speed up market access.