DNA Script raises US$38.5m in Series B round

In an oversubscribed Series B round led by LSP, Paris-based DNA Script raised US$38.5. Bpifrance and existing investors Illumina Ventures, M. Ventures, Sofinnova Partners, Kurma Partners and Idinvest Partners contributed.


DNA Script said it will use the proceeds to accelerate the development products based on its enzymatic de novo synthesis of nucleic acids through recruiting staff to support the US product launche and to expand its Paris-based research team.

DNA Script’s is a producer of synthetic nucleic acids. According to the company, its enzymatic technology overcomes many of the inefficiencies of today’s synthetic DNA production. "In less than two years since our last financing round, the DNA Script team has developed enzymatic synthesis technology at an incredibly fast pace and extended the company’s lead in this exciting and quickly expanding sector. As we announced earlier this year at the AGBT General Meeting, DNA Script was the first company to enzymatically synthesize a 200mer oligo de novo with an average coupling efficiency that rivals the best organic chemical processes in use today. Our technology is now reliable enough for its first commercial applications, which we believe will deliver the promise of same-day results to researchers everywhere, with DNA synthesis that can be completed in just a few hours," commented Thomas Ybert, CEO and cofounder of DNA Script


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