Delivering on Europe´s Green Deal – EFIB 2021 in Vienna
Leading industry leaders, SMEs representatives and academia are joining in Vienna, Austria, at the 14th European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology and the Bioeconomy (EFIB), from 6th to 7th of October, organised by EuropaBio and conference partners.
Leading industry leaders, SMEs representatives and academia are joining in Vienna, Austria, at the 14th European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology and the Bioeconomy (EFIB), from 6th to 7th of October. The annual event, organised by EuropaBio and conference partners like LISAVienna welcomed almost 350 participants to discuss industrial biotech innovations and future potential in fields such as food, feed & nutrition, sustainable materials, and bio-based industrial processes.
This year’s conference focused on the topic Delivering the EU Green Deal: Industrial biotechnology into business’ and presented how the sector can contribute to transforming the EU into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy. Right from the start, Michael Brandkamp, Head of the European Circular Bioeconomy Fund (ECBF), pointed to the shift of industrial behaviour, where sustainability is no longer a fashionable topic for marketing reports but key for development of any industry in Europe. We see the take-off starting, he said in his opening keynote, industry is delivering the technology needed for the green deal’ – and the investors are more and more keen to join. Like in digitalisation before, an era of biologisation’ is happening right now. We are delighted that, after the Digital EFIB edition last year, we are able to see the participants in person in Vienna to discuss the contribution of industrial biotechnology in addressing societal and environmental challenges and realise its full potential in providing innovative solutions. Europe is at a pivotal moment, there is no time left to be wasted, added Claire Skentelbery, Director General of EuropaBio.
24 international startups presented themselves in the exhibition area and showed a whole range of new technologies in fermentation, faster, biological production processes, innovations in the food sector as well as new textiles and sustainable meat. (a report in more detail will follow)
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