Sourcing innovation in the Life Sciences sector

BioFIT is Europe’s leading partnering event in Life Sciences for tech transfer, early-stage innovation deals and pre-seed, seed and Series A investment, receiving each year more than 1,000 delegates from over 35 countries. For its 11th edition, BioFIT will be held in Strasbourg, France on November 29th and 30th, and on a digital format on December 7th and 8th.


Each year, BioFIT brings together TTOs, research institutes, incubators and academia together with pharma, biotech and diagnostic companies, veterinary firms and pre-seed/seed/Series A investors. Its online platform allows participants to identify potential partners and schedule one-on-one meetings on-site. More than 6,000 meetings were organised through this system during BioFIT’s last edition.
BioFIT also detects promising projects and gives opportunities to the people behind them. Three different pitch sessions will take place during the event: the “Start-up Slams” focus on young companies seeking early-stage investment. The “Collaborative and Licensing Opportunity Presentations” allows TTOs, universities, research institutes and companies to showcase their early-stage technologies fostering partnerships or licensing deals. Finally, the “Animal Health Presentations” serve the same purpose in the animal health sector. The most convincing applicants will be awarded as the most innovative start-up and the most promising technology in Life Sciences and Animal Health.

BioFIT is also the opportunity to reflect on the various issues of the sector through its conference programme built around four different tracks. The first track aims at giving keys to early-stage collaboration: developing academia-industry partnerships is essential for the acceleration of innovation in the sector. International key players will discuss the issue of transforming science into business more frequently and efficiently in the second track: nurturing and licensing early-stage assets. They will also go over different difficulties and opportunities in early-stage investment. Finding the right balance between determining the funding a project needs and the dilution it can handle is an example of the challenges companies face early on. The fourth and last track is "Animal Health Highlights”, it will give a general view of the animal health innovation investment market and will identify which solutions are already available.

Welcome note from the organiser
Over the years, BioFIT has proven to be an essential event in the field of Life Sciences. Since its first edition in 2010, BioFIT has succeeded in bringing together important actors in the field and creating a place where innovation thrives. We are proud to have enabled more than 1,015 deals among more than 1,000 attendees last year. Furthermore, these deals concern a variety of collaboration stages of the process: 35% were collaborative research projects, 30% of licensing deals, 15% of equity investment deals and 20% of services deals.

Even though last year’s digital event was a success, we look forward to welcoming you in person in Strasbourg, on 29th and 30th November 2022 for BioFIT’s 11th edition that will provide, once more, the ideal environment for business and partnering opportunities in the Life Sciences sector.

Venue information:

› Dates:

  • November 29th – 30th, 2022 | Strasbourg
  • December 7th – 8th, 2022 | Digital

› Key figures:

  • 1,000+ delegates
  • 35+ countries represented
  • 6,000+ one-on-one meetings generated
  • 60+ speakers
  • 45+ innovative projects presented
  • 70+ exhibitors

› Programme highlights:

  • One-on-one meetings
  • Conferences
  • Pitch sessions
  • Exhibition

This article was originally published in European Biotechnology Magazine Autumn Edition 2022.


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