Exosomes: Extracellular and extraordinaryDisregarded for decades, extracellular vesicles are now understood to be a key element in communication between cells. Discoveries around the nano-sized bubbles are revolutionising not only the field … more ➔
Sepsis: Targeting a silent killerFor over three decades, attempts among drug developers to target the inflammatory pathways and symptoms of sepsis have been fruitless. New rapid diagnostics, rigourous patient stratification and drugs … more ➔
The CO2 opportunityAlthough most people still view carbon dioxide (CO2) as a climate killer, industry is beginning to realise that CO2 could actually provide an abundant, low-cost feedstock for carbon-based processes. … more ➔
En route to Adaptive PathwaysThe European Medicines Agencys new, accelerated route to approval for innovative drugs seems to be especially attractive for biotech companies. But Health Technology Assessment institutions warn that … more ➔
Biosimilars: A crippling lack of informati...The US has opened the floodgates to cheaper versions of biologic medicines, and analysts predict that by 2020, biosimilar protein meds could seize a significant share of a projected €390bn market. … more ➔
Oncolytic viruses: Natural Born KillersAmgens Imlygic was approved last year – a move that finally added oncolytic viruses (OVs) to the healthcare toolkit. Although the treatments scope of application as a stand-alone therapy is limited, … more ➔
Surviving the turmoil on capital marketsEarly January saw a few indicators that stock markets might deliver some solid biotech results in 2016, even if it wasnt destined to be a hallmark year for the industry. But then, in the weeks that … more ➔