South Korean Chong Kun Dang Pharm has licenced access to Amsterdam-based Synaffix BV’s propietary ADC platform.

A new platform is set to facilitate the exchange of information on the optimisation of the electronic reporting system CTIS.

Researchers have presented a novel method to promote biofilm formation. They believe their method can help to increase the efficiency of biocatalysis in biotechnological production processes and thus allow cost-effective recycling of waste, as well as carbon dioxide conversion into chemical building blocks and natural gas,
or amino acids.

Last year, the  G7 heads declared to end funding for the oil industry by the end of this year. At the COP27 in November, the WHO and United Nations renewed promises to redirect the hundreds of billions of dollars invested annually in fossil fuels to fund renewable energy initiatives.

British researchers have linked higher consumption of ultra-processed foods to an increased risk of developing and dying from cancer.

Asher Biotherapeutics Inc has expanded its manufacturing agreement with Lonza to include the manufacturing of AB248.

Strategic planning for the development of a novel therapy is critically important to reduce financial burdens, save time, and find the best, shortest path forwards. No two products will have the same pathway or same criterion for optimisation, but early, forward-looking planning can result in greater efficiency and a better understanding of key decisions and timepoints along the course of novel therapy development.  

Evotec SE and Janssen Biotech Inc have agreed to co-develop targeted immuno-oncological therapies.

A new study adds weight to ongoing legal and political investigations against ExxonMobil for deliberate climate malfeasance.

With Sunstone Life Siences A/S as a new investor, Belgian remyelination specialist Rewind Therapeutics has increased its 2018 Series A funding.