Targovax reports promising disease-free survival (DFS) data

Targovax ASA has reported promising disease-free survival (DFS) data from Tg01 in resected pancreatic cancer.


Targovax ASA reported the full data set from the 32-patient phase I/II clinical trial evaluating TG01 in resected pancreatic cancer in combination with gemcitabine at the Targovax capital markets update in Oslo. Median DFS for all 32 patients in the trial was 16.1 months, and 19.5 months for a second patient cohort who received an optimised dosing regimen. DFS was measured from time of surgery. This DFS outcome is encouraging when compared to historical controls for gemcitabine monotherapy, such as the ESPAC4 and PRODIGE trials, which reported a median DFS of around 13 months in similar patient populations.

The trial enrolled a total of 32 patients, split in two patient cohorts receiving different dosing regimens. The 1st cohort (n=19) received most TG01 injections before and during chemotherapy, whereas the 2nd cohort (n=13) received more injections after completing the chemotherapy regimen. 

Median median overall survival (mOS) was 33.4 months. 72% of patients (23/32) were alive two years after surgery. 94% of patients (30/32) demonstrated mutant RAS-specific immune activation

Dr. Magnus Jäderberg, CMO of Targovax, said: "We have previously reported strong immune activation and signal of efficacy for TG01 in resected pancreatic cancer. The median DFS data now presented further strengthens our confidence that TG01 provides a clinically meaningful benefit for this patient population, especially when in the context of historical controls. The DFS benefit appears to be more pronounced in the second cohort, which indicates that the post-chemo vaccination schedule is an optimal dosing regimen that we should select in subsequent development. It is also worth noting that median overall survival has not yet been reached in the second patient cohort, and we will continue to track how these patients perform with great interest".


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