IZB start-up
At the IZB, we are right in the middle of it allas one of the leading cell culture specialists in the heart of Germanys biotech hotspot and as a medium manufacturer in life science research.
About the company
PELOBiotech GmbH is one of the leading suppliers worldwide of Human & Animal Primary Cells, Adult Stem & iPS Cells, Media & Tools. Scientists may choose from 25,000 cell culture products, handpicked from our exclusive partners. We offer modified and tagged primary and stem cells, diseased cells and 3D cell culture systems. Researchers love to use our comprehensive cell sourcing service from healthy and diseased donors (tissue, cells, plasma ). As one of our key features, we have customised solutions with a choice of prime media in R&D quality, GMP-like quality and GMP quality. Furthermore, PELOBiotech develops and produces special cell culture media for primary, stem and embryonic stem cells as well as special supplements for tumour stem cells. Customers get everything they need from one shop. We provide high-quality cell culture products to bridge the gap from bench to bedside at reasonable prices.
What is your motivation?
Reliability, success, expertise. In short: competence. This is what drives Lothar Steeb and Peter Frost, managing directors of PELOBiotech GmbH. The two biologists have almost 50 years of combined experience in the field of cell culture, media research and development.I know how difficult it is to get promising results that you needed yesterday to get your paper out, said Dr. Peter Frost, one of the founders of PELOBiotech. He has worked with several 3D cell system companies, e.g. InSphero, Switzerland. The Rhinelander focuses on technologies to ultimately make research reliable, predictable and successful for the industry.
Am Klopferspitz 19
82152 Planegg/Martinsried