Nothing but Pure Pluripotency

Today, embryonic stem cells (ESC) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) represent the most significant types of pluripotent stem cells (PSC).


In the beginning, ESC were cultured on feeder cell layers, primarily murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEF), in non-defined culture media containing fetal calf serum (FCS). Later on, FCS would be replaced by somewhat more defined serum replacements and the introduction of extracellular matrix (ECM) coatings supporting self-renewal of ESC allowed for feeder-free culture using feeder-cell conditioned medium. However, the culture process remained time-consuming, laborious and poorly defined.

In recent years PSC-culture has experienced significant technical progress. Chemically defined media compositions became a standard, followed by the first xeno-free defined formulations. However, all these culture systems still depended on non-defined, xenogenic and poorly standardized ECM preparations – a contradiction in terms when using defined / xeno-free media. Importantly, research recently overcame this hurdle, identifying natural as well as synthetic ECM molecules and peptides that support undifferentiated PSC-expansion. Scientists are now capable of completely defined / humanized derivation and culture of hPSC.

Despite these recent technical advancements, the established hPSC culture systems still share unfavourable properties. Most of them use supra-physiologically high amounts of growth factors and / or contain substances purified from human or animal origin. In addition animal-derived and / or non-defined ECM is used. The PromoCell hPSC Growth Medium DXF consequently eliminates these disadvantages:

  • Chemically defined / xeno-free complete culture system
  • No human / animal derived components
  • Physiologically low in growth factors

This optimal culture environment allows for a well-controlled culture process, consistent and reproducible performance, robust support of pluripotency and improved cloning efficiency.

In combination with the extracellular matrix hPSC-ECM DXF and the hPSC Dissociation Buffer DXF, PromoCell provides a defined and xeno-free complete culture system for human pluripotent stem cells.


PromoCell GmbH

Sickingenstrasse 63/65

69126 Heidelberg


+49 6221 649 34 0



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