Inhibitor-free DNA Reliability for any Throughput
BioEcho develops single-spin and 96-well kits for the isolation of DNA. Their proprietary EchoLUTION single-step technology avoids the use of inhibitory process reagents resulting in increased sensitivity and reliability of downstream analyses. Therefore, the risk of inhibition or complete failure of PCR applications is eliminated. The process does not require washing steps and is significantly faster than commonly used bind-wash-elute methods.
The innovative EchoLUTION process works under native conditions in the absence of denaturing salts and organic solvents such as ethanol reagents in use in common Silica-based bind-wash-elute DNA extraction. These may inhibit enzymatic-reaction based analysis like PCR or NGS when carried over into the DNA preparation and frequently lead to complete failure observed as e.g. PCR-drop outs.
Quick sample lysis
The EchoLUTION technology starts with fast and complete lysis of cells or tissues. Lytic activities most suited to quickly and gently release DNA (e. g., proteases or lipases) are selected as a tailor-made TurboLyseTM lysis solution optimized for the specific sample type. The substrate spectra of the TurboLyse enzymes is significantly broader than in common Silica-based methods. Lysis is complete after just 15 to 30 minutes.
Single-step purification
For separation of the target nucleic acid from the remaining cellular constituents and from process components (enzymes, salts, detergents), the lysate is processed in only one centrifugation step. This works independent of the throughput, i. e. as a single-sample isolation in a spin column or multi-parallel in a 96-well plate. Bioecho’s purification matrix is a proprietary formulated bead suspension with various functionalities and is tuned to make sure that all unwanted components are retained. Free from all inhibitors and salts, the DNA is collected in the elution tube or 96-well plate highly-pure, desalted and buffered. Since DNA remains in solution during the entire process shearing forces are minimized.
Highly efficient & reproducible
The patent pending EchoLUTION process provides DNA of high average chain length. The simplicity, speed and efficiency of the workflow represent a clear improvement compared to the current state of the art. The figure shows a typical isolation result: DNA extracted from 8 different tissue types using the EchoLUTION Tissue 96-well DNA Kit is obtained in high amounts and concentration within only 45 minutes. The overall low Cts of the qPCR reactions of all samples reflect the high reproducibility and detection sensitivity (see table). In fact, in contrast to Silica methods, PCR always works!
Different starting material
The EchoLUTION single spin-kits for a wide variety of starting materials are now complemented by the respective 96-well Kits for DNA extraction from tissue, cells, blood or plant. They can be flexibly used manually or simply incorporated in automated workflows.
Challenge us and contact us for a product demonstration in your lab!
Dr. Frank Schäfer, BioEcho Life Sciences GmbH
Biocampus Cologne
Tel. +49 (0)221-99 88 97-0