Smart bra set to detect breast cancer

A French-Swiss research team is developing a smart bra for detecting breast cancer more accessible than through mammography.


According to the GLOBOCAN database, throughout 2018 breast cancer was the main cause of cancer- related deaths in women worldwide – with a million new diagnosed cases and about 627,000 deaths. When detected early, breast cancer can be cured in more than 90% of cases.

Presently, mammography remains the most effective and scientifically proven method to detect cancerous lesions. However,  it comes with various barriers, including: access to care, the uncomfortable nature of the technique, and availability of appointments. Moreover, it is expensive, requiring it to be performed by specialised doctors, which rules it out for large-scale screening programmes in some countries. Therefore, the development of new screening method is a major need and issue within the public health sector.

Within the SBra project Swiss and French researchers are now testing the feasibility of a solution combining non-invasive and non-intrusive technologies, based on the measurement of electrical and thermal properties of the mammary tissues. The ultimate objective is to design an intelligent bra, equipped with sensors, capable of effectively detecting breast  cancer early, comfortably and without risk to health. The device would be intended primarily for women considered to be at high risk, not those who are scheduled for a routine screening or check-up.

The project relies on French-Swiss cooperation involving: CSEM (Neuch’tel), Ecole Nationale Supe?rieure de Me?canique et des Microtechniques (Besançon), Hôpital Nord Franche – Comte? (HNFC Belfort – F), Universite? de Technologie de Belfort-Montbe?liard (UTBM Belfort), and ZTC Technology SA (La Chaux-de-Fonds).


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