Dave Lemus joins Silence Therapeutics Board
Silence Therapeutics plc, a company active in the development of RNA therapeutics, has announced the appointment of Dave Lemus to its Board as Non-Executive Director.
Dave has over 20 years of US and international business experience in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, having served in executive management and non-executive board roles in multiple US and European private and publicly-traded companies. Dave is currently Executive Vice Chair, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer of Proteros biostructures Gmbh. Prior to that he served as Interim Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer of Medigene AG, a publicly-listed German biotechnology company focused on the research and development of T-Cell-Receptor based immunotherapies, and prior to this as Chief Executive Officer of Sigma Tau Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Dave was Chief Financial Officer and Executive VP of MorphoSys AG, taking the Company public in 1999 and held various positions at leading pharma companies including at Hoffman La Roche.
Dave currently serves as a Non-Executive board member of BioHealth Innovation, Inc., Sorrento Therapeutics Inc., and the MIT Club of Washington DC. Dave is a Certified Public Accountant in the US, and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from the University of Maryland and Master of Science/MBA from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Dave has over 20 years of US and international business experience in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, having served in executive management and non-executive board roles in multiple US and European private and publicly-traded companies. Dave is currently Executive Vice Chair, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer of Proteros biostructures Gmbh. Prior to that he served as Interim Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer of Medigene AG, a publicly-listed German biotechnology company focused on the research and development of T-Cell-Receptor based immunotherapies, and prior to this as Chief Executive Officer of Sigma Tau Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Dave was Chief Financial Officer and Executive VP of MorphoSys AG, taking the Company public in 1999 and held various positions at leading pharma companies including at Hoffman La Roche.